At Hudson Oaks Family Dentistry, we offer regular cleanings and checkups to help ensure you’re on the right track to optimal dental health. During our cleaning, we help prevent buildup of plaque and aid in preventing cavities. When we check on your teeth we comprehensively examine your teeth to look for tooth decay or any other problems that might be related to your dental health.
These regular cleanings and checkups should take place every six months. You can do your part every day to keep your teeth clean as well. You should be brushing your teeth two times per day. You also should be flossing your teeth one time per day.
Did you know that drinking water is also a great way to keep your mouth healthy and happy? According to WebMD you should be drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This helps hydrate your body and keep it functioning at it’s best.
Drinking water also benefits your teeth.
Call and book your regular cleaning and checkup with Dr. J.C. Reagan today.